Sunday, April 20, 2008

B.B. King at Billy Bobs

B.B. King
Originally uploaded by rachelparker
So a couple weeks ago yes I know I'm way behind but I shot alot of stuff that weekend! But a couple weeks ago I had the privilege of getting to shoot B.B. King at Billy Bobs of all place.

I was quite sunburned like I said previously. This shoot was literally right after the Chevy Thunder shoot. So I stayed and watched a couple songs but left at like 11:20. I mean heck he went on at 10:30, that's alot longer than I normally stay at shows I shoot. But this was B.B. King and I'd be stupid not to watch a couple songs after I shot.

He's got skills on the guitar. Ya know just a few. And he seemed pretty charismatic. He even busted a move from his chair at one point which was great. I really think he likes the bar scene that is billy bobs. I mean it's like a venue but really its like a big club that happens to have a seated area infront of the stage. If you're down in front its pretty intimate, but I guess thats the case with any venue. But point being it isn't like a stadium.

Here are a few more shots
B.B. King B.B. King B.B. King
B.B. King B.B. King

So there we go! Finally done with all that I shot race weekend!


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