Friday, October 19, 2007

Elliot Yamin

Elliot Yamin
Originally uploaded by rachelparker
I shot Elliot Yamin up at Kidd Kraddick yesterday. Very very nice guy. Pretty funny too and sounded great even at 7:30 in the morning. I was actually kinda sad that our paper is not covering his show. But I did get to shoot and meet him at Kidd which is always a plus. Very chatty guy and his band was nice too. I geeked out and asked him about his Jeremy Cowart shoot. If you dont know who Jeremy is look him up. Amazing photographer. Also chatted with him about Will Hoge's brother a little bit and for those of you going what? Josh Hoge aka Will Hoge's brother. Both very talented musicians.

Here are some of the pictures. There are more at
Elliot Yamin Elliot Yamin Elliot Yamin

Oh and rant that is completely un related!
I shot the Dallas Symphony last night so I missed Grey's Anatomy. Rant Rant Rant. I will watch it online but its just not the same, eh the paper pays me, Greys doesn't pay me so!!

Alright later yall.

1 comment:

Jen said...

HELL TO THE YEA Josh Hoge is HOT! I saw them in Tulsa, he is a very nice guy! I hoep he makes it big!