Anyhow I've been trying to play catch up on my Flickr, which I also abandoned for a year. If you want to peruse what I'm putting on there, head over to this link, That's my stream. I'm already up to August and it includes pics of Aerosmith, The American Idol Tour, Adrien Brody, Will Smith, Lady Antebellum, Good Charlotte, and a whole bunch of others. For good measure I will throw a few up on here. I mean it is a photographers blog after all. How disappointing would it be if I didn't.

Okay well there is that. In other subjects, I'm looking forward to checking out the movie Rango this week. I'm also going to get my fill of Jake Gyllenhaal this week, Love and Other Drugs comes out on BluRay today and yes I love him in almost everything he's in so I will surely go buy it. Not a fan of The Prince of Persia quite frankly though. I'm very curious about Source Code. Totally mad/bummed/sad I won't get to shoot him at South By Southwest Film. Not because I cant get access but because I have a danged wedding to shoot the day he's there!
But while I'm on the subject of movies, everyone should check out a locally made film called "Brotherhood." It's playing at the Angelika Dallas, it's really well made, and very intense. Directed by Will Canon (a fellow Arlington High School Graduate, go colts) and starring Jon Foster, Trevor Morgan, & Lou Taylor Pucci. Yes Jon Foster is Ben Fosters brother. Great movie, and most of you who frequent Central Arlington will recognize the house they shot in.
Okay I'm getting off my pedestal and am done with my ramblings and musings. Hopefully I can get back with the program and start blogging it up again!
Later yall!
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