And I totally get that its differnt for every venue, but this photographer does her research. And at other shows, many of them infact, the photographers were given free range to be in the middle and not just to the sides. I'm short, I wouldnt be that torn up if I was 8 feet tall, but trying to shoot around a 6 foot video guy on a riser is a heck of a challenge. That's all I'm saying. So who knows why we were stuck at the sides, but you deal with it and move on I guess.
Then there's this tiny part of me that wonders if there's a photographer at a stop right before Dallas on most tours that is messing it up for us. Like that one bad apple thing. Shooting too long or upsetting someone , so we get the punishment and shunned to the sides. Hey were not all bad, some of us can follow the 2 or 3 song rule, because we like not being banned from venues. I like being one of the photographers that can be trusted and respected.
Anyway I got some ok shots, the lighting was good, the band was great. Counting Crows wernt bad, they did a more acousticish set. I'm not big on them though, I'll admit.
Here are a few shots
Maroon 5
Counting Crows
Ok so that's it for that!
In other coolness. I got sent an advancement of the new Matt Wertz cd coming out. And gave it the car test Tuesday. It's really good, and alot of the tracks yes, are on Matts other cd's, but Dave Barnes did the same thing when he released his latest album on Razor and Tie. So it makes sense. It's the songs that are big with Matts fans, and the songs that newbies will definitely like, for example "5:19" and "Red Meets Blue." A pleasant surprise was getting to hear Marc Broussard on one of the tracks, its just backing vocals but they are pretty prominent. So then I checked out the credits on the album and noticed Dave Barnes co produced it. Go Dave! Ha, and he also did some of the backing vocals as well. But long story short, it's a good album, I know Matt's been at it for a while with the whole music thing, so I do hope some more folks catch on and buy this album tuesday when it comes out.
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