But I'll post some pictures since I know you want to see those first since this is a photo blog.
Ok Here's the write up!
So basically if you’ve never been to an idol tour its a smorgasbord of songs. A 30 something song set list. 10 different singers and generally some group numbers. What makes me kind of sad was the fact they majorly cut doing duets and group numbers now. Back during the first season the entire second half of the show was a mix of group numbers and a few solo songs by the top 3 from the show. And I really liked that formula.
But in the end I’m not going to complain about getting to see more David Cook and less Kristy Lee Cook. Sorry Kristy but it still boggles me how you got in the top 10 and stayed longer than Michael Johns.
I actually really enjoyed Michael Johns set, Brooke White was also impressive but I expected it from them, they were fairly consistent on the show. Syesha Mercado has some pipes on her and was amazing during the number Listen.
Carly Smithson while nice was a bit of a let down because she picked some songs that were pretty static for the most part. Ramiele also a really really nice girl, she is pretty young so I’m mostly going to hand it to inexperience. She can sing but didn’t pick anything impressive to do.
Jason Castro was exactly what you saw on TV. He can sing and play guitar, and while I dig singer songwriters, he just doesn’t really excite me. But once again a really nice guy. So there is room for me to be impressed in the future. This was his hometown stop though so a great deal of the crowd was there to see him.
Archuletta was everything you expected him to be. He tried to move around some but in the end he tends to stand there and sing, not doing anything incredibly exciting. To me he’s always been the guy that stands in one place and sings with his eyes closed.. While it seems that he’s trying to work on that, it’s obviously still a habit he has. He sounded great though. So the boy can sing his butt off. Which is impressive because he’s so young.
David Cook was obviously saved for last being the winner and all. He was definitely worth the wait though. Being one of the few who knew how to actually come out and perform. Playing it up for the audience, showing off on guitar and making sure to use all of the stage. At one point he took out his video camera and recorded the audience, saying he had been doing it every night.
A funny moment during his set was after one song he noticed a guy in the audience mimicking the faces he made while singing. Taking a moment to ask the guy in the audience if that’s what he looked like when he sang, and then thanking him for letting him know, because knowing the problem is the first step to fixing it.
The last number, a group song was all about having fun for the group. David Cook came out in a cowboy hat, Michael Johns was dancing up a storm. A good end to the night, even though I would have liked a couple more group numbers. I do have to say this is probably one of the most talented groups out of all the seasons yet.
Ok So!
Nastia Luikin and Tom Petty to come
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