They participated in the calf scramble at the Friday Night stockyards rodeo. And filmed an entrance outside. Seriously ruins the magic of it when you watch them film it 5 times and you hear the director tell all the bystanders to walk around and dont just stand there and act natural.
But anyway the next night I was assigned to shoot Travis Tritt and when I got there I noticed the film crew was there. Our writer said they were going to be in Dallas that afternoon but I guess they came back to the Stockyards to do some more filming. I kind of felt like I was being stalked by them at that point.
So I shot my three songs. Travis was pretty showy on the guitar which was good. Makes for cool shots. Cant say I'm big into his music. I know some of it. I like lots of music, I like a ton of country music, but I've just never been into Travis Tritt. So I shot my three, then he brought out Ludacris and Tommy Lee. So I took a few shots of that. As pictured above.
I have some kidd kraddick stuff and Graham Colton stuff to put up but then I should be all caught up which is just amazing. I'm planning on going to Taste of Addison to see Gavin Degraw on Friday. I tried to get a photo pass from the festival folks but they were like oh we have actual publications. Well the paper I shoot for didnt cover it last year so that leaves you with what? The Dallas Morning News and possibly the Pegasus news, and I hate to say it but one of the obscure magazines that sells like 3 copies a month? And last year there were maybe 3 photographers in there shooting Daughtry, I've been in smaller pits with more photographers than that so just a tad bit of a rant. I
know my blog isnt huge but it does get some readers, and readers I appreciate you reading or at least looking. Ok end of that.
Here are the pictures:
Tommy Lee/Ludacris Battleground Earth Taping
Travis Tritt:
Off Topic:
I know I don't talk about my life like ever here. I talk about shows and all that. But some may know since I freelance I also wait tables to pay the bills. I work at a restaurant that has the whole curbside to go thing. And during lunch sometimes the expo handles it. So I'm in the back getting dressing for a table or something and the expo comes up and goes "The lady in the car out there isn't wearing pants..... and she's in a low car so you like have to look down." OK this is probably the funniest and most shocking thing I've heard all day. While its hilarious its slightly appalling that this woman thinks just because she doesnt have to get out of her car this dismisses her from having to put on pants. What if a cop pulls you over and asks you to get out of the car? Are you just going to be standing there on the side of the road with no pants. And for the record the area the restaurant is in is a pretty descent neighborhood. It's the type of area with a country club and multiple golf courses and the walmart is fairly clean even. So I just thought I would share the shocker of a the week.
Also since I cant say it at work I'm gonna say it here. If you cant afford to tip your server 15 percent at least. Dont go out and eat at a sit down restaurant. Go to the McDonalds where tips arent expected. I believe everyone should be able to go out and eat if they like, but maybe do it less often so you can afford it. I get it's a tough time in the economy, why do you think I wait tables and freelance photograph. But when you screw your server I still have to tip out on my sales to the busser and bar, and when you come in and spend 50 bucks on a meal and dont tip. I lose a dollar. I know in the grand scheme of things you're thinking oh that's just a dollar.
Well let me break it down for you were paid 2 bucks an hour. You know that doesnt even cover the gas it takes to get to work. If no one tipped us. At the end of the lunch shift we'd owe 4 bucks to the bar and busser possibly more but generally 4 bucks. If I wasnt being tipped and only getting paid 2 bucks an hour and I'm only there for 3 hours. I drove to work to make 2 dollars that day. If that is the state the nation is going to be in, the waiters of the world will quit then who will bring you your food. This isnt the jetsons, there is no sarcastic robot to bring you stuff. Also more than ever people are taking the term server for servant. I get that you drink your drink fast, I am not allowed to bring you a pitcher and shove a straw in it. And amazingly enough you are not my only table. I have 4 other tables that may need something other than a drink refill every 2 minutes.
Now as bitter of a waitress as I sound, I try my best to be incredibly nice to all my tables, I'm not saying I'm the perfect waitress, we all screw up and make mistakes, but I do try to be genuinely nice. But the moral of the excessively long story is, just because the economy is crap right now, we are hurting too. 10 percent and less doesnt pay the bills. It doesnt kill you to tip the 15 percent. If you can afford to go eat out then you can afford to tip. Especially those of you who order alcoholic beverages, appetizers, and desserts. So just take that into account. Also a couple tip guide lines, if you run your server around and they keep up and do a good job, you should probably leave more than 15 percent and DEFINITELY no less than 15 percent. Also if you sit at the table for more than 30 mintues you should probably tip more, because you're keeping that table from getting sat again, which is keeping the server from making more money. Our job isnt easy, it's not rocket science, but trying to please everyone is tough. We try hard to make sure your food gets out quickly and correctly. We try hard to make sure your drink doesn't run dry. And anyone who's waited tables before totally understands. Those are some of the best tippers. Not to mention I completely believe in server Karma.
I'm going to imagine everyone who reads this will take some sort of enlightenment away from it. Sorry about all the rants. I promise I'm a happy person. Just frustrated sometimes. In a positive note since it's not tax season business at the restaurant and tips have gotten better. Stimulus checks may have something to do with it too. If so then way to go government! How about lowering gas prices now! YEAH!
I love your rant! Someone should tip you for it!
Hey Rachel:
If you're interested in being a content partner, we could probably help with access. Well, in some cases we could. We still get shutout sometimes too :-)
amen on the waitress rant! i feel you there because i am a waitress too!
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