But I got to shoot what seems to be the coveted Radiohead show. It was the last one on the first leg of the US Tour as well. And very very sold out. I feel kinda bad because I'm so unappreciative of them too. Like I get that they are good music but I just dont get it. But atleast I know I'm unappreciative of some good music. Other good music I'm totally appreciative of.
So technicalities of the show. They dont use spotlights. Now I'm ok with just stage lighting. It's tougher but this is where most live music shooters get started is under crap lighting conditions. But man those back lights were bright sometimes. So it was crappy light and great light all at the same time. Their lighting was an oxymoron! They had these really cool lights that came down and glowed and stuff which they only used during the 3rd song and after unfortunately. We shot first 3. Typical.
I still got some pretty descent stuff when I was expecting to get crap. On Youtube there's a hilarious video from this show from "Exit Music" of Thom kinda scolding a guy that hollered out. About all I could make out was "Oh you're a funny guy aren't you?"
Ok here's some shots
You know when I think of Radiohead I think of the episode of Southpark where Cartman writes a letter saying some kid is dying and loves Radiohead. And its all an elaborate plan to embarrass that kid. That episode is so ridiculous.
Ok so random but yay David Cook won Idol. Now I pray they dont make him release some piece of crap album and let him be artistic because obviously the guy is. He's the only one who really changed up the music on his songs this year.
In other randomness there's a really weird Alanis Morisette video on right now.
Ok enough of the Randomness! I shot Leslie Jordan tonight. It was hilarious.
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