And one of the things I loved was being backstage too shoot this I got to see that she herself touched up her own make up before she went out on stage. Which I think is great. I highly suggest going to see her if ever given the chance if you like the Broadway genre. She does a lot of Rogers and Hammerstein and Sondheim stuff. But fabulous and very much the entertainer on the stage. She even went down and sang to a guy in the third or fouth row.
Well there's that. I shot Sweeny Todd the other night. And got a few descent shots. Halfway into my shooting though I hit the on off switch to the position between off and on and then for the life of me couldn't figure out why it wouldnt let me switch my aperture off wide open. I didnt figure out that's what it was for a good few minutes.
I just kept shooting I mean I shooting at f/4 isnt like awful or anything I just wanted to bump it to f/5 for a few frames but it's all good. But it was really bone headed of me and i was just baffled because i was like I know I didn't take it off Manual. So anyone who shoots on the 20D and mysteriously your Manual mode is acting like Shutter Priority mode. Check the dang on off switch.
Also another tiny rant about the Sweeny Todd shoot. The PR guy said you'll have 15-20 minutes to shoot. Then comes over and asks if I've gotten enough shots like 5 minutes into the show. And I'm like well its a dark production so not really. The dude had tickets and i understand wanted to watch the show. Ok fine go sit in your seat. I will leave in 15 minutes and if you still see me over there after that taking pictures fine come kick me out. But odds are that wouldnt happen because I dont overstay my welcome. People slay me.
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