Well this entry is incredibly non photo related. I've been wanting to post this for a while now. I just never made the time. And this is a bit of a rant. I'm sure quite a few folks can relate to this. So the holiday season which to me basically starts like mid November and extends itself till about January when school finally kicks in.
Well this time of year I'd like to say alot of people are pretty pleasant to deal with. Most are in good moods and nice. There are a few that I'm sure despise everything about the Holidays and I'm sure they have their reasons.
But the one thing that drives me insane. The second any of these nice happy people get in their cars and get on the road they turn into maniacs who are in such a hurry to get everywhere that they don't care how they drive.
I try not to drive that much if I don't have to, because gas prices are so ridiculous now. I can honestly remember when gas was 99 cents a gallon. But on the long trip to Nashville when I got into the state of Tennessee that like one out of five cars did not know how to merge on the highway. I mean seriously is that not a pivotal part of ones driving class? But you know what, you cant always blame the ones getting on. Especially when you have people who on a three lane highway choose to cruise in the right lane and not pay attention to the oncoming ramps. But in the case of the Tennessee drivers it was the oncoming traffic who's fault it was.
Needless to say I was happy to be back in Texas where I know what to expect from drivers here for the most part. And while I didn't go too many places other than to shoots and work still in those short drives just WOW. People cutting you off when they don't have room to do it. Riding your tail even if you are in the right lane doing over the speed limit as it is. Or one better than that someone doing 10 under in the left hand lane. And seriously what's with the not signaling! In Fort Worth on Saturday I saw a BUS a freaking BUS run a red light. It was like a charter bus but still. The light was Red for him very very Red because it was Green for me. I hadn't gotten to it yet fortunately because being broadsided by a Bus really would have ruined my year.
And today there was a guy doing 55 in a 45 and he almost hit the car infront of me because he was weaving through. The holidays are over what's the rush!
I guess the moral of the story is slow down people! I'm not saying go the speed limit necessarily but don't go so fast you're being stupid! Look and signal before you change lanes. And learn to merge.
Ok that's all for my rant about the scary holiday drivers.
I want to see the movie 27 Dresses. I shot Trent Willmon the other night so photos of him soon.
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