I actually think my legs just recovered from that whole stand around and wait to get in and stand in your spot or lose it thing. General Admission isn't it lovely. We were second row though so we were pretty well off. Definitely worth your legs hurting for a couple of days!
His opener Marie Digby seemed alright. I wasn't too into her, granted I could hear the drunks next to me better than I could hear her. So heck she could have been phenomenal and I wouldn't know because the drunk people were like talking like oh my god where did my shoe go like.. like someone get us more beer.. who is this chick again she sucks... like oh my god I'm way too old to be acting this immature and talking like this. Yes I just made fun of the drunk people again for the second entry in a row. Amazingly they shut up during Gavin! I was shocked quite honestly. And I cant feel that bad about making fun of them because venue security was laughing at their stupidity as well.
Ok so Gavin came out, to a different song than he used to, which surprised me, and his song he started with was Relative which was also surprising to see him come out on guitar and not just go straight to the Piano. As a photographer, if I had been in the photo pit shooting this show, that would have been a nice variety to get to shoot him on guitar for a song and out from behind the piano like he normally is for the first 3 songs. So bonus points Gavin.
He was definitely excited to be playing Dallas, I'm pretty sure it's one of his favorite cities to play, because he was bursting with energy. Not to mention he did say that playing Lakewood reminded him of playing a certain venue in his home town. Also I think that boy has been watching B.B. King or something because he was doing these little hip movements like B.B. would bust out the time I saw him.
The set list was good, he didn't do Meaning again. This made me sad. But he did do Untamed which was highly amusing because he had all these little hand movements to go with it. He explained the song was about how this girl he dated gave him a list of things he needed to fix about himself, sadly it's true that I think just about every guy and girl does this in relationships. But that's a song on the album I really like and I think it would do well on radio actually!
Chemical Party he's started it different, he may have done it this way at Taste of Addison but I dont remember. I totally thought he was going to jump into the audience during the "Proud Mary" portion of it. But nope, then during Young Love he starts to climb off the stage right in front of us, and of course havoc breaks loose. I do want to thank him for not climbing on the guard rail directly in front of us because people pushing against me is not fun. Also thanks to him not doing that I got some pretty cool crowd shots just cause we were at a perfect angle for it!
Before he did Cheated on Me he mentioned that it would be the next single, which makes sense since he just sang it on Leno like the night before. And at some point in the show Gavin was talking about playing El Paso and gave us an endearing rendition of the Marty Robbins song. Not so much, he did sing like two lines from it though.
Here's the whole set list for those wondering!
Next to Me
Follow Through
We Belong Together
Chemical Party/Proud Mary
Young Love
Cheated on Me
In Love With a Girl
Cop Stop
Never the Same
Nice to Meet You
I Have You to Thank
I Dont Wanna Be
After the show we went to the meet and greet which was like 200 people so of course it's rushed. I did let him know he always puts on a great show, and he said he loves to play Dallas and he signed my cd. Then I waited on my friend and before we walked off Gavin gave me one of those famous winks when I waved bye, And yeah I'll admit it, I got all giddy inside because of it.
So overall another amazing Gavin show. And when I thought I knew what to expect he surprised me by changing things up. If you've never seen him live. You NEED to. I'm not suggesting you go, I'm telling you to go.
Here are some of the shots I took!
Ok so that's all for now. I'm finally caught up! I never thought that would happen!
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