It started with 4 of the Warped tour artist/bands coming in to the studio. Plus Freddy who if you dont know who he is I'm sure I've mentioned him in a previous blog or you can go to to find out.
So first in studio after Freddy was Gym Class and I felt kinda bad that Travis was having to walk with a Cane. He blew out his knee apparently for like the 6th time or something. They chatted for a bit and did one of the new songs off their upcoming album called "The Quilt"
Next up was Paramore. I was incredibly excited about that. Haley's aunt was there and rocking her Paramore shirt. Apparently she's a frequent listener of the show so that's cool. But they sound checked and while they were doing that I went into the studio and first thing Haley did was smile and wave which was cool that she was all friendly like that. Then they interviewed and then Haley warmed up during the break. She was jumping around in the hall and stuff which sounds silly but it isn't. It gets the blood pumping and she's the jump around rock out type so it makes sense to loosen up like that. They did two songs which were both awesome. It was neat getting to hear the acoustic versions of the songs.
After Paramore was Katy Perry. I saw Haley give her a hug on her way out of the studio. Katy was pretty funny, there were a few awkward moments thanks to Al, but that's Al for ya. Katy played it up for the camera a little which is always cool. And does anyone else think she looks like Zooey Deschanel?
Last up was Forever The Sickest Kids. They had just been in studio not that long ago. And they played Hey Brittany again. So it wasn't anything completely new. But they are always good to shoot. One of the guys really hams it up and is all about making silly faces. Anyway here are some of the shots from the studio.
Gym Class Heroes
Katy Perry
Forever the Sickest Kids
Okay so that's that portion of the day. I actually shot warped tour after that, and then to cap the day off took my dog to the vet because he wasn't feeling well and was being way lethargic which isn't normal for him. And that was an adventure in itself. So by the time I got home and went to sleep I had been up for 22 hours and slept for 2 1/2 the night before. I was tired needless to say.
More to come.
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