Kate I had seen that morning at Kidd Kraddick and so it was cool to see her doing a full band thing. I had never seen the Veronicas and they sounded great, for having such upbeat songs they weren't quite as active as one would have hoped, but I liked them none the less. In their defense they had to cancel performing at Kidd Kraddick because one of them was sick. So maybe thats why they didn't work the stage much that night. They didnt cancel their set so you gotta respect that.
I only got to see the first three for Natasha then I had to edit the shots for quick turn around. But I did get to hear alot of the show from out in the hall. She sounded great and when I was shooting the first three she was all over the stage. Stopping occasionally at the microphone stand in the middle but mostly working the length of the stage. Dancing with her back up dancers, waving to folks in the crowd and what not.
And I have to say the lighting wasnt quite as awful as it normally is at the Dallas House of Blues. See I hope if I say it enough in the blog maybe the lighting guy will see it and figure out how to turn up the fronts and not blow out the back light. Because I had a shoot there last night and the lighting was horrible blown out behind and like minimal on the front. I'm not there to shoot silhouettes. Are you lighting the artist for the band or the audience? Because seriously the band are the only people that can see the musician when you do that.
Ok end rant. On to pics!
Natasha Bedinfield
The Veronicas
Kate Voegele
Ok there are those! Sorry it took so long! I'm shooting Dave Barnes tomorrow so look for that!
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