Friday night I went to Dave Barnes at the House of Blues. He sold it out which didn't surprise me one bit. He is on tour supporting his new album "Me and You and The World." I suggest picking it up if you haven't and if you haven't heard of Dave you should go buy all his albums just to catch up. Great stuff.
The openers were Ben Rector whom I hadn't ever seen before but he was pretty descent. He did this thing where he made up this bridge to a song. The audience I cant say was original by saying sing a bridge about bridges? I mean really? You couldnt shout something like bananas or kittens? That would have been interesting. Also he did this thing where he set up his delay like dave used to do at his acoustic shows. And he sang into the guitar which I cant really say I've seen anyone do before yet.
The other opener was Andy Davis who I've seen a few times before. I actually have this memory of Andy being here with Dave a couple years ago but Andy wasnt playing because it was just Dave doing this like hour set at TCU. But then he plugged Andy's show and was like it's at.. and Andy was back doing this claw motions and it was like charades and I think it was something Panther. But Andy doesn't disappoint either. He has a new album out that I need to get. He had some technical difficulties during "Good Life" but it was pretty funny. He claimed his pedals were "possessed" There was this strange humming noise coming from them when he hit one to get the guitar to come in. And no matter what he did it wouldn't stop making the noise. But it was a good set "Black Keys" "Good Life" "Earth and Venus" "City of Shoulders" "Beautiful Day for Bad News" "Let the Woman" "Brown Eyes." Pretty sure that's not in order and I think that's all and right. I should really write stuff down, but then what fun is it trying to rack my brain remembering?
But on to Dave. I missed him the last time he was in town. I got assigned something from the paper and didnt get to go. I imagine he did some of the new stuff but for me this was the first time getting to hear it. It was however my 3rd time getting to see him with a full band. I like the added energy on the stage. But I do have to say when its just him it's pretty funny when he acts like there's a full imaginary band.
So not only is Dave talented in the singer songwriter area he's also pretty dang funny. I never know what exactly he is going to say in between or even during some songs. His fake accents are hilarious and if you dont believe me look it up on youtube. Because I know there is some form or example there. He even brings a little light to a bit of a serious matter when he talks about "Mocha Club" pointing out how the african children asked him if he was tired while playing soccer because of his obesity. And by yours and my standards Dave isnt anything near obese. After talking about Mocha Club he sang a song inspired by the children in Africa called "10,000 Children" with socially conscious lines like "10,000 children, and all I can do is talk, while my house is full of possessions that negligence bought." It's good to see someone who isn't widely known is still trying to use what fame he does have to make a difference. It's almost as if Dave is Indie musics Bono.
I snatched one of the set lists after the show and it went as follows:
Good World Gone Bad
Since You Said I Do
On A Night Like This
Sticks and Stones
10,000 Children
Brothers and Sisters
Someday, Sarah
Until, You
When A Heart Breaks
What Am I Gonna Do
Everybody But You
Graces Amazing Hands
It was a pretty strong set list. I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the songs Greyhound and Someday, Sarah on the album versions. But live they have that little something extra that makes them likable. He joked about how Someday, Sarah sounded like a couples skate song, and he was not kidding.
There are a couple songs I wish he would perform but he never seems to. I had the pleasure of getting to hear him do "Jackson" once. And that was before Chasing Mississippi ever came out. One of my favorite tracks off that album. From the newest album I would have liked to hear him do Carry me Through. But in all honestly all the new stuff he did at the show were songs I wanted to hear.
Also a new twist on the song "On a Night Like This" would be the extra verse which Dave of course had a funny explanation for. According to him the brides that were using the song were running out of song and having to make a mad dash down the aisle. So he added another verse to make it longer.
The encore was Graces Amazing Hands which seemed fitting since that's probably his most popular song.
Good times with Barnes. Hope he comes back soon. If he's coming to your town go. East Coast and Midwest he's headed your way.
Also I just have to say that I'm really happy he's signed with Razor and Tie. I think they are going to do great things for him. And they were very pleasant to deal with.
Here are some photos from the show.
Ben Rector
Alrighty so that's that for now. I have photos from Chevy Thunder coming up. I also have photos from BB King, Merle Haggard, and I'm lined up to shoot Miranda Lambert tomorrow. Which is exciting. Her song Gunpowder and Lead has been stuck in my head all week.
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