Let me just say I love the Hotel Cafe Tour. It's all so laid back and great music and cool artist. The second time I ever saw sara was on the 2006 Hotel Cafe Tour. Also with Joshua Radin and Cary Brothers. That show also had Jim Bianco and Rachael Yamagata.
The 2008 show here this go round was Sara Bareilles, Joshua Radin, Cary Brothers, Ingrid Michaelson, and Greg Laswell. This time they did it pretty similar to the last tour. Each artist came out did a few songs then they came back out did a few more songs later. With the exception of Sara's set, I would imagine because she had her own band with her because she was already on tour and just kind of merged with them for a few dates. Cary's song Blue Eyes turned into a group sing along. I was a little sad the show closing wasnt a big group number like last time.
But it was Ingrid Michaelson doing a rendition of Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. Then a cover of the song "Creep." But after fresh prince people were yelling out tv shows and she started playing the theme songs. Someone yelled Golden Girls and that one had to have been the best!
I was incredibly impressed with Ingrid and she was hilarious. Apparently she had Chikfila for the first time and loved it. She was like "What's on this chicken sandwich... bread.. chicken.. and a pickle.. and it was awesome." Also we the collective crowd screwed up the clapping on "The Way I Am" have to say that. There are some videos on youtube from that show. If you have time venture over and see if you can find them.
Joshua Radin and Cary were great too. I really like Cary's song that was on Grey's Anatomy which is lame. But I had heard it before then when they used it on Grey's I got excited for him. And Josh seems like such a nice guy. His music is really chill I guess is how I would describe it cause it's pretty soft. He did some new stuff of his next album that hasn't come out yet. Including the duet with Ingrid.
So anyway Sara left me a pass well sara's tour manager but when I saw her at Good Records she was the one who said it should be no problem. So I consider it a collective effort! Ha! Anyway her set was great. I was glad to get to see her do "Oh Darling" the beatles cover. It was nice to see her not behind the piano for once. But she sounded great as usual, I cant say I've ever not heard her sound great. Really great thing about her shows, she always says really hilarious stuff and that night was no differnt. She had a beer with her onstage. It looked like a dark beer if anyone was curious. I think she prefers the premiums cause last hotel cafe tour she had a Heiniken. But she took a drink and she was like "Dont grow up to be an alcohol.. an alconolic.. I couldnt have planned that any better if I tried...... DONT PUT THIS ON YOUTUBE!" And funny enough it's on youtube now. But really good set, it was I think in this order "Bottle It Up" "Vegas" "Love on the Rocks" "Oh Darling" "Love Song" "Many the Miles" "Gravity" I may be missing a song. The two songs I wish I'd get to hear more often are "Morningside" and "City"
Sadly her solo tour is not stopping by here. And she is off the Maroon 5 tour by the time it's scheduled to hit here. So no Sara for a while I guess.
So I've rambled enough about this show I think! Here are some photos!
Greg Laswell
Cary Brothers
Joshua Radin
Ingrid Michaelson
Sara Bareilles
Alrighty! So I may put up some photos I shot at George Carlin the other night. Hopefully I'll get something interesting. I dont want to say what I want to shoot that's coming up because I'm afraid I'll Jinx it!
Later Yall
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