Went to a show at a bar on Printers Alley. As we were going in they had to get more change and no one behind us had exact change either. So we were just chillin in line and the guy literally right behind us waiting to get in as well, was Jon McLaughlin. (scroll down to see some photos of him opening for Kelly Clarkson) Very talented musician and one hell of a piano player. Blu Sanders was a suprise guest at the show incredible songwriter and musician and he also handy with a camera, so I was a tad bit excited he got up there and did a song, Amazing talent man. I was very impressed by Autumn McEntire. I read on her myspace music blog that her husband was Production Manager on the Barnes/Wertz tour. Which scores her automatic bonus points. Cause those boys are amazing. Especially Barnes, but then again I've seen Barnes several times so its hard not to favor him over Wertz. Barnes has an unfair advantage. But they both are so talented. Sorry there's no pictures from that. Didnt want to ruin the vibe of the show with me clicking away, especially since I hadn't seen these artist before.
The next day we went and had lunch at the Cheesecake factory then went to the Opryland hotel and looked at the lights. We went to a concert at the Ryman after that where I know my pro camera wouldnt be allowed and I didn't want to leave it in the car so I left it at the hotel in Brentwood , kind of sad because the lights were really pretty. I have too say The Gaylor Texan wins over the Gaylord Opryland because the Texan does Ice Sculptures.
Concert at the Ryman rocked. If a performer tells you to jump at the Ryman. Unless you're in the front row I dont condone it. Jumping in between pews is not easy. Fortunately I didnt slam my leg into the pew like my friend. The sound inside that venue is really good for the fact its 1000000 years old. I was lame and took earplugs. I've been wearing them alot more lately. Have to say being on a flat floor sucks though cause if you're behind jolly giants and only 5'6" it makes seeing an issue. Nokia Theatre in DFW is still my favorite venue of all time.
So after this show we went on a quest to find food. Not having eaten since lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Finding food past 10:00PM in Brentwood seems to be an issue. We didnt realize at the time we booked our Hotel that Brentwood is where all the Celebrities live (we learned quickly because the mapquest directions took us through the back way past all the gigantic homes). But we came to the conclusion that the fast food places arent open past 10:00 because celebrities dont eat. That's right. They dont eat. They never want Mcdonalds or something after a late night recording session. Because the calories in a french fry would make them fat and screw up their image. Yes the McDonalds was closed. I thought most McDonalds were now 24 hours. We FINALLY found a Jack in the Box, I dont think it was actually in Brentwood though.
The next day we went to the Parthenon. Well first we went to Bicentennial Park and were informed that the Parthenon was at Centennial Park........... who names parks like that? That's like me saying I will have a park named East Central Park and Central Park. And putting something touristy at one park but not the other. But the nice guy gave us a map. And we got to the other park, where we encountered geese. Yes geese. That wouldn't move. So I just inched my car closer and closer as they waddled slowly out of the way taking their time. This process of me driving like 5 feet took like 10 minutes. Evil Geese. Honking would have been rude and disturbing to them and possibly give them a heart attack. And I'm not cruel.
Anyway here are some photos from the Parthenon. To those who didnt pay attention in world history. The Parthenon was built for the Goddess Athena in Athens, Greece. And inside was a statue of her made of Gold and Ivory. The original Parthenon is being restored. But has seriously taken a beating over the years.
It was a very nice little vacation. The one thing I have to say. Residents of Tennessee do not know how to drive to save their own lives! Merging people! Merging should not be difficult. See to get on the highway you speed up. Not slow down. My favorites over that whole trip were the guy who stopped. Like literally stopped. Thank god this was just going on to the right of me. Had I been behind him I would have been pissed. These people screw the merging for the folks behind them. And then there was the guy who didnt speed up and just figured he'd drive on the shoulder for like half a mile. And the State of Tennessee gave these people licenses. We should worry.
Nashville is fun to visit. But these drivers kill me, I was there for no more than 15 minutes before on the highway a jerk wouldnt let me over but they wanted over into my lane and they were further back than I was but as soon as I turn on my blinker to get in the right lane they speed up. So I finally get over. And then they get over and start to pass so I give the evil eye. And I realize thats nice I probably just gave a celebrity the evil eye and they deserved it. Because it was a Range Rover, Limo Tint, with no license plates on the front or back. I'm there 15 minutes and giving celebs evil looks. Who gave them drivers licenses anyway! They run over people all the time!
But overall I had a great time.
That's all for now. But I did shoot the Mix 102.9 xmas concert Wednesday. I will try and get pics from that up shortly.
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