I shot Elliot Yamin up at Kidd Kraddick yesterday. Very very nice guy. Pretty funny too and sounded great even at 7:30 in the morning. I was actually kinda sad that our paper is not covering his show. But I did get to shoot and meet him at Kidd which is always a plus. Very chatty guy and his band was nice too. I geeked out and asked him about his Jeremy Cowart shoot. If you dont know who Jeremy is look him up. Amazing photographer. Also chatted with him about Will Hoge's brother a little bit and for those of you going what? Josh Hoge aka Will Hoge's brother. Both very talented musicians.
Here are some of the pictures. There are more at http://kiddlive.com

Oh and rant that is completely un related!
I shot the Dallas Symphony last night so I missed Grey's Anatomy. Rant Rant Rant. I will watch it online but its just not the same, eh the paper pays me, Greys doesn't pay me so!!
Alright later yall.
1 comment:
HELL TO THE YEA Josh Hoge is HOT! I saw them in Tulsa, he is a very nice guy! I hoep he makes it big!
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