So I've gotta say, seriously pillow making companies? I understand you spray them to preserve them while they sit in stores, but seriously? I didn't realize washing and airing out my pillow was a requirement before "maybe" being able to use it. I don't think the pillows would deteriorate if you didnt spray them with that crap. It was by far one of the worst allergic reactions I've ever had to anything in my life, and then I got to reading about how the crap they spray on it can have toxic effects in large quantities like formaldehyde for example. I got dehydrated beyond belief, my throat was really dry, runny nose, watery eyes, dry cough. So to the executives running the companies making products like pillows and mattresses that are sprayed down with formaldehyde and polyurethane, shame on you for being cheap and putting the public's health second to the dollar bill in your pocket.
Ok now that I have that off my chest! I'm feeling much better this week, and even while feeling like total crap because of allergies last weekend, I still got out and went to Dallas Comic Con, camera in tow of course. So here's a couple shots from the Q&A panels with Daniel Cudmore of Twilight & X-Men and Sean Patrick Flanery from Boondock Saints. I believe my friends over at RedCarpetCrash.com and Bigfanboy.com should have video up soon.

Ok later guys!