It was definitely a music filled weekend. And no doubt I was exhausted by the end of it all. Late nights, Early Mornings, Afternoon Naps, and still way too much stuff to do, it was impossible to cram it all into 4 days! There were concerts Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.. I mean really.. who needs sleep?
Ok no doubt I'm going to start with the main feature of the weekend and my personal fav, Kelly Clarkson.
Unfortunately the crowd was pretty lame for most of the night, up until security let the younger fans move right up against the stage for the end of the set. You just have to feel empathetic for an artist who's trying to work a crowd that wants to sit down the whole time because they all won the trip for free and dont really care. With the exception of a few people. None the less the girl sang her butt of and tried her hardest to get folks to interact.
The Host for the weekend was Nick Lachey. I dont know why he didn't perform? I guess he doesn't have a band put together at the moment. He does have a new album coming out though? One song acapella wouldn't have hurt?
Friday Night they had Lily Allen who is hilarious. I think I stressed this previously, but her songs just prove it. Opening for Lily was Secondhand Serenade. This was prior to the awkward hugging experience. I never saw it coming..
Lastly Kevin Rudolph sang a few songs in the Dragon Club Thursday night. It's odd that my entry is going backwards but whatever. We all went to dinner and then went to the performance. One of the girls I met from from Baton Rouge was rocking out with Kevin during Let It Rock. Shout out Baton Rouge girls!
Ok so that concludes the photo fun from the Bahamas. I do suggest going! It's lots of fun and the weather is fantastic. I'd love to go back and leave the camera at home. Who would have though I'd ever say that! There are more photos at if you want to check them out.
I've got tons more stuff to edit. I'm shooting Britney tomorrow night. Nascar this weekend. I'll do my best to try and catch up. I've been doing a lot of reading lately as well. I've fallen victim to the Twilight book.. it all started as curiosity.. and now.. well you know. Hopefully everyone had a great spring break!
Until Later!